Epigenetics, because modern human habitats have messed-up with gene switching, which is as important as having or not having a particulate gene; and Eco-Psychology, as bigger chunk of human happiness isnā€™t societal, spiritual or financial; it is biological. And unless one is happy, from very within, at a cellular or molecular level, one might want to aspire for long life just because of the fear of death. There is a hell of difference in fearing death and being in love with life, eco-psychology puts us in love with life wholesomely, taking us to wholeness and eternity.

Moodforestā€™s strength comes from ten years of working in this field and from over 350 participants who stayed with us to self-experiment in last one decade. We are in hurry and are avoiding animal path of drug discovery.

We are into experimenting directly on humans; which of course has concern for legality, that is why we have been taking the route of self-experimentation. We take clues from wildlife to learn from them, not to experiment on them; first ā€“ why should animals suffer for human cause? and second, what Moodforest is doing is too complex a thing for animal route, and might take 10X time compared to direct human experimentation.

Opening Impact (0-2 minutes)

Hi everyone,

My name is Madhur and Iā€™ll be talking about some of the experiments in the wild.

[Play soft heartbeat sound]

ā€œPlace your hand over your wrist for a moment. Feel that rhythm. That steady beat has been your constant companion since before you took your first breath. It will be with you until your last.

[Pause 3 seconds]

Thereā€™S a growing global intereSt in enhancing health-Span and achieving longevity. ThiS article exploreS the potential of MoodforeStā€™S ā€˜Bio-HappineSSā€™ and ā€˜ForeSt FaStingā€™ protocolS for improving health and reverSing diSeaSeS. Additionally, it SuggeStS the poSSibility of a coronary cleanSe aS a preventive meaSure againSt the riSing incidence of cardiac iSSueS.

The quest for longevity must begin with thinking about death. Not from fear, but from understanding.

Beating death has been

Today, cardiovascular diseases are our leading cause of death globally - 33% , with 85% caused by atherosclerosis.

Think about what it means

x million peeople are dyding everyday with ehart attack

of which 80% premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable.

The only tools we have today is angioplasty, bypass surgeris and blood thinners.

But Iā€™m not here to talk about death. Iā€™m here to share how understanding atherosclerosis might be the key to solving regenerative health and longevity.

[Visual: River System Animation]

Think of your cardiovascular system not as pipes, but as rivers. When rivers flow freely, they nourish entire ecosystems. When theyā€™re blocked, everything downstream suffers. Clean cardiovascular system means clean supply chain, and better regeneration of all cells, tissues and organs.

While we focus a lot on cardio - we are not focusing on cardio cleanse - and we see people who are very fit suffering form heart attacks - the recent case of nithin kamath, zerodhaā€™s founder, the death of yoga guru, the death of cycle man of bangalore, and recelty the death of a 3 year old.

Founders suffer much from it

it a difficult thing to prioritise health - rakesh jhunjhuwala said a year ago before he died - that health has been his most poor investment.

At Moodforest, after working with over 550 participants across a decade, weā€™ve discovered something remarkable at the intersection of three emerging sciences - and it all started by observing nature.ā€

Hindi has a word for health - swasth - which means situated in self. what does this mean?

interesting self is an important part of swassth - is self healing possible?

some people say that another word for placebo effect is self healing.

we can reproduce - we have the the ability of creating a new human without any other equipment, so what about our ability to self repair? imagine an AI agent which could produce another AI agen by mating with --- couldnt they self repair?

EVen windows can self repair sometimes.

clinal research often begins with animal models. so our journey also started by observing the wild.

Natureā€™s Intelligence (2-7 minutes)

[Lights return to full]

The story of cat?

a cat could execute the full pregnancy.

trees in decidous forest go for a long fast every dry seasons.

The Bearā€™s Wisdom

ā€œConsider a bear emerging from hibernation. After months without food or exercise, it emerges with:

  • Stronger muscles than most humans
  • A healthier cardiovascular system
  • Perfect blood sugar regulation No gym membership needed. [Pause for light laughter]

How is this possible? Nature has already solved many of our health puzzles. We donā€™t need to experiment on animals; we need to learn from them.

[Visual: Three Pillars Diagram]

This led us to three fundamental processes that nature has perfected:ā€

Story of Mutlu:

The cat having its own pregnancy.

The problem of Weeds:

gajar ghas takeover - how do we look at microbiome?

The Three Pillars of transformation

ā€œ1. Autophagy - Natureā€™s Recycling System

  • Winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine
  • Your bodyā€™s cellular cleaning crew
  • Active during specific conditions that we can create

a) Detox

  • Body eliminates accumulated waste and unused materials
  • Comparable to cleaning out accumulated junk
  • Important for slowing aging process

b) Reboot

  • Body checks and repairs cellular systems
  • Gene switching (epigenetics) gets recalibrated
  • Most effective when done in forest settings, not urban environments

c) Renewal

  • Formation of stem cells
  • Biological age reversal effects
  • Can help slow down aging process
  1. Epigenetics - The Environmental Symphony
    • Imagine your genes as a vast keyboard
    • The notes are fixed, but the melody depends on environmental signals
    • Modern environments have changed our song, but we can restore the natural rhythm
  • or imagine you DNA as a large codebase with a lot of automations and whether a code will run or not depends ona lot of other factors.
  1. Eco-Psychology - The Biology of Joy
    • Hereā€™s something surprising: the majority of human happiness isnā€™t societal, spiritual, or financial
    • Itā€™s biological
    • When weā€™re happy at a cellular level, regeneration happens naturallyā€

from a certain view - life seems about hardwork - success - happiness - you work hard to find a mate, you succeeed in finding them and then you feel happy. this is a bit of linear model of success.

but if you look at day 2 day of how love happens - you are self confident / in good vibe, you attract better partner , you build flow

The Biology of Happiness (7-12 minutes)

[Engagement Moment]

ā€œBefore I share our research results, Iā€™d like you to participate in a quick experiment:

Take a deep breath and think: When do you feel most alive? Most vibrant? [Pause 5 seconds]

Iā€™m willing to bet many of you thought of moments outside in boring built environment, someplace where there was a lot of life - the beach, the mountains, a forest. Thereā€™s biology behind this feeling. we hardly feel alive in buildings, the old folks understood this and created architecture that allowed nature to come in.

The Forest Effect

  • Blood pressure: 4-5% improvement
  • Stress hormones: 23% reduction
  • Immune function: Significant enhancement

But hereā€™s whatā€™s fascinating - these changes werenā€™t just temporary. They became the foundation for deeper transformation.ā€

Measurable Transformation (12-17 minutes)

[Visual: BioMetrics Dashboard]

ā€œLet me share concrete results from our research:

Protocol Outcomes

After running protocols with 350+ participants

  1. Physiological markers:
    • Blood pressure: 4-5% sustainable improvement
    • Cholesterol: 23% reduction
    • Blood viscosity: Significant improvement

Results of Green Mind Study:

Case Study: The Programmerā€™s Story

Let me tell you about Raj, a 25-year-old software developer who came to us with:

  • High stress levels
  • Poor sleep
  • Early signs of cardiovascular strain

After three cycles of our protocol:

  • Anxiety reduced by 60%
  • Sleep quality transformed
  • Cardiovascular markers normalized

The key wasnā€™t adding more interventions - it was removing interference and restoring natural rhythms.ā€

Going through the path of self experimentation

inventing some food items, - soya, protein problem, fat problem. inventing some herbs and teas.

but how do we get a systemic effect? how do we get an holistic effect.

Dr. vipin gupta had spent 25 years - he if we went the existing route of drug discovery it will take 25 eyars.

550 people

so the only option we had was to create a self experimetnation staet

you could do animal studies / self experimentation

This is the cutting edge

we have always been afraid, it was a big risk, because if we have any engative effects on our participants - the experiment will go one way and we will be somewhere else.

now before we could ask the society to fund it we had to know if ā€” how do we generate the leads.

now we are confident so we would like to have a full

community research

Future Vision

(17-20 minutes)

ā€œThere are two paths to longevity. One driven by fear of death - leading to desperate interventions and diminishing returns. The other driven by love of life - leading to natural optimization and compounding benefits. The difference lies in our biology.ā€

understand the relationship between you and your body. imagine if you were in a fear based relationship with your partner / co-founder?

  • Fear-based approaches
    • Symptom suppression
    • Artificial interventions
    • Fighting against biology
  • Love-based transformation
    • Cellular happiness
    • Natural optimization
    • Working with biology
  • The biological evidence
    • Happy cells function better
    • Positive emotions enhance repair
    • Natural rhythms support healing

ā€œWe stand at a unique moment in human history. For the first time, we have:

  • The science to understand natural regeneration
  • The technology to measure transformation
  • The wisdom to implement sustainable change

[Visual: Tree of Life with Future Branches]

Imagine a future where:

  • Cardiovascular disease becomes rare
  • Regeneration is our natural state
  • Longevity comes from optimization, not intervention

Your Role in This Future

Weā€™re not just sharing research - weā€™re inviting you to be part of this transformation:

  1. As participants in our studies
  2. As advocates for natural regeneration
  3. As pioneers in your own health journey

[Closing Visual: Flowing River Transform]

Remember that heartbeat we felt at the beginning? That rhythm is your bodyā€™s wisdom speaking. Our job isnā€™t to force change, but to restore flow. To return to natureā€™s blueprint for longevity.

Thank you.ā€


  1. how awill you measure it? methods to be safe, and reliable
    1. cardiologistis will do it
  2. why were you not doing the proper clinical route:
    1. thats a very complicated way of doing things, and it requires lot of resoruces and times and time.
      1. imagine if crypticurrency were invented by government
      2. innovation comes after regulation
  3. have you had safety issue?
    1. we never had that problem., we keep a tight observation, we are gradually doing it, elements have gradually elemented. the protocol has developed over 10 years
  4. have you published any data?
    1. because this was mostly self experimentation
    2. now we have to do it in proper study format - we green mind study
    3. now we have filed a patent on this. first we will file a patent and then we will publish it.