Most kids don’t want to bathe daily - reasons - 1) good things are hard, most kids are lazy, or 2) kids are more driven by biology and biologically speaking bathing daily is not a good idea. 

It is bad because: 

  1. It removes skin’s natural oil and makes it dry, brittle and vulnerable.
  2. It removes intrinsic microflora; and hence, reduces immunity at one hand, and makes the body more vulnerable for infection by disease causing germs at the other. 
  3. Too much cleaning induces allergies and autoimmune disorders.   

However, bathing does bring some benefits:

  1. It removes body odor and makes one socially more acceptable. 
  2. People take off clothes during bathing and it enhances skin ventilation. 
  3. You feel fresh after bathing. It’s a morning routine and brings a sense of accomplishment.
  4. It helps you consume more water, more soap, more shampoo, more body lotions, and more electricity; hence, helps keep world GDP up. 

Perhaps, there are alternatives to achieve these objectives without having to undergo detrimental effects of daily bathing:

  1. Wearing natural fiber, and being nude whenever possible, helps ventilate skin and keeps away the body odor. Changing undergarments daily is also a good idea, although the better is not to wear them at all. For extra effect groin area could be wiped with moist towel. 
  2. Running, or better, doing some hard physical labor pumps much more blood and brings even deeper sense of energy, freshness and accomplishment. 
  3. To keep GDP up people could put hot water, soap, shampoo, moisturizers directly in the drain on daily basis. 

More fundamental question is - how so many of us adopted this idea? And why do so many of us feel great about doing this? Possible explanations could be: 

  1. Great marketing efforts of soap and shampoo manufacturers, and of godessly looking celebrities endorsing them. 
  2. In some cultures it has much deeper roots, it is linked with sense of piousness and religion, particularly in Hinduism. In these cultures some people didn’t want doing hard messy work at one hand, and wanted being respected in the community at the other. They discovered idea of piousness, untouchability and rituals like bathing. Once you have taken bath and put on washed clothes, people around don’t expect you do hard messy physical labor. It also instilled the idea of being dirty (earthy) being bad.   

You might be wandering if not daily, they how often? You may bathe as often you may desire, but if you really wish to deeply understand it you should read book ‘CLEAN’ by James Hamblin who did not shower or used much soap for five years. The physician, Yale public health lecturer, and staff writer at The Atlantic experimented on himself as research for his latest book, “Clean: The New Science of Skin.” 

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